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Disponemos de un listado de compañías que desarrollaron juegos de abandonware. Selecciona una compañía para ver sus juegos. Para facilitar su búsqueda, utiliza la paginación por número y letra.
J & J Gameware J and B Associates J Soft Co. J-Force J. Morrison (Micros) Ltd. J.V. Enterprises S.A. J/H Enterprises J3 Interactive Jacaranda Software Jack Bean Ltd. Jack Morton Worldwide Jackpot Jacob Weinstein Jacobson Software Enterprises Jadestone Group AB Jadeware Jaeger Software, Inc. Jagged Blade Software Jagware Inc. Jake Soft Jaleco Entertainment, Inc. Jaleco Ltd. JAM Co., Ltd. JAM Productions JAM software JAMDAT Mobile (Canada) ULC Jamdat Mobile Inc. James A Sausville James Oh & Associates James Software Ltd. James Wickstead Design Associates Jamie System Development Co.,Ltd. Jamopolis Interactive Jan Ivar Gundersen Japan Art Media Co., Ltd. Japan DataWorks Inc. Japan Media Programming Inc. Japan System Supply Japan Vistec Jarhead Games Inc. Jarrod Davis Software Company Jasmine Multimedia Publishing, Inc. Jason Babcock Jason Dyer Jaws-V Soft Jawx JAY Software Jazz Software JBS Games JC Hilty Productions JC Research Inc. JD Software JDG Simulations, Inc. JDS Games Jeff Anderson Jeff Martin Jeff Tunnell Productions Jellyvision Games, Inc. Jemm Productions Jens Willibald Jeremy Lamar Jersey Cow Software Jester Interactive Publishing Jetsoft JHC SoftWare Jim Henson Interactive Jim Kindley Jim Scarlett Jin Young Technology Jing Gameware Jinx, Inc. Jinxter JJsoft JME Engineering Joakim Sandberg Jochen Kärcher Jocke The Beast Jocke The Beast Software, Inc. Joe Lesko Johan Peitz John Carmack John Fowlis John Galt Games John Osborne John Rudzinski John Stephens & Subha Ghoshal John van Rooij Johnathon Lexa Johnson-Voorsanger Productions Joined Up Writing Software Joker Software Jon Noonan Educational Software Jon Paul Eldridge Jones and Jones Multimedia Jordan Information Service Co., Ltd. Jorudan Co., Ltd. JoWooD Computer Games JoWood Ebensee JoWood Vienna Joy Van Joyce Hakansson Associates, Inc. Joymania Development Joymax Co., Ltd. JoyOn JRC Interactive JROK JSH Co., Ltd. JTS Juice Games Limited Julio Kaplan Jumpin Jack Software, Inc. JumpStart Solutions Ltd. Junkyard Just For Fun JV Enterprises JV Games, Inc. JV Software, Inc.