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I'Max Corp. I-play I. Harness I.B. Magazette, Inc. I.C.E. Multimédia I.Heath I.Q. Publishing s.j. Iain Brown Iber Soft IBM IBS ICD, Inc. ICE Icegames icehole games ICOM Simulations, Inc. Icon Software Ltd Icon Software Ltd. ID Interactive Inc. id Software, Inc. IDCOM IDDK Group IDEA Games a.s. Idea Software Ideas From the Deep Idigicon Limited IDL Software GmbH IdtV International BV IFTECH Software AB iGames Publishing Igelsoft Ignition Entertainment Ltd. IGS Corp. IJK Software Ltd Ikarion Software GmbH Ilan Rav and Dani Katz Illuminated Lantern, The Illusion Software Ltd. Illusion Softworks, a.s. IM Group Sp. z o.o. Image Computer Products, Inc. Image Smith, Inc. Image Space Inc. Image Systems Image Tech Image Works Image-Line Software Imagic Imaginative Illusions Sdn. Bhd. Imagine Imagine Software Ltd. Imagine Studios Imagineer Co., Ltd. ImagiSoft, Inc. Imagitec Design Ltd. Immortality Production Impact Interactive Publishing Pty Ltd. Impact Software Impact Softwear Impactrea Entertainment ImperiumGame Impressions Impressions Games Impsoft Impulse Games, Inc. Impulze IMSI IMSI (UK) Limited In-Fusio IncaGold GmbH IncaGold Ltd. IncaGold plc Incentive Software Ltd. Incognito Software, Inc. INCOM I&C Incredible Simulations Incredible Technologies, Inc. Increment P Corp. Indecs Services, Inc. Independent Software Indescomp index+ Indi Software Indiagames Ltd. Indiepath Ltd Inertia Software Infinite Games Ltd Infinity Limited Infinity Software, Ltd. InFluid Software Infocom, Inc. Infodisc Infodise Infogrames Deutschland GmbH Infogrames Entertainment SA Infogrames Europe SA Infogrames France S.A.S. Infogrames Interactive, Inc. Infogrames Multimedia SA Infogrames North America Infogrames UK Ltd. Infogrames, Inc. Information Global Service Ingava Ingenuity Software Ingenuity Works, Inc. Inhome Software Inc. Inland International Inland International Software Inline Design Inline Software, Inc. Inner Brain Inner Fire Software Innerprise Software, Inc. Innonics GmbH Innotech, Inc. Innovative Concepts in Entertainment, Inc. Innovative Design Software, Inc. INPUT Inscape Insoft, Inc. Instant Access International Ltd. Insterstella Software Instituto Geografico De Agostini S.p.A. Instituto para la Conservación de la Naturaleza Intec Inc. Intel Corporation Intellectronics Intelligent Chess Software Ltd Intelligent Statements, Inc. IntelliPlay INTENIUM GmbH Intense Entertainment Interactive, LLC Inter-Active Arts Interactive Computer Entertainment Inc. Interactive Fantastic Fiction Interactive Magic, Inc. Interactive Technology InterActive Vision A/S Interactivision A/S Interbrew Nederland N.V. Interceptor Micro's Interceptor Software Interchannel Inc. Interdisc InteReS Intergame International Center on Nonviolent Conflict International Computer Disc, Inc. International Computer Entertainment Ltd. International Games System Co., Ltd. International PC Owners International Publishing & Software Inc. Internecine Interphase Technologies Inc. Interplay Entertainment Corp. Interplay Productions Ltd. Interplay Productions, Inc. Interprog InterServ International Inc. Interstel Corporation Intime Corporation IntraCorp, Inc. Introversion Software Limited Intuitive Impulse Software INTV Corp. Inverse Ink Invictus Games, Ltd. Invisible Cities Interactive Entertainment IO Design IonFx Studios, LLC ionos, Inc. IPlayAllday Studio IPM IPS Computer Group Sp. z o.o. IQ Media Nordic AB IR Gurus Interactive Pty Ltd. Irem America Corp. Irem America Corporation Irem Corp. Iridon Interactive AB Iris Soft Irrational Games LLC Irrgheist ISA Software, Inc. ISCA Software iSeeSoft Ishi Press International Isis Hathor Digital Productions Island Graphics Island Software Islona Entertainment Ltd. ISM, Inc. ISOTX iSurf, Inc. IT Territory Casual ItBGames ITE Media ApS (Interactive Television Entertainment) Item, Ltd ITISA Palamós ITOCHU Corporation ITT Ivan Berg Software Ltd. IVI Publishing, Inc. Ivolgamus UAB Ivory Tower Software iWin, Inc. I•Motion, Inc. i아이더비