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R & B Software Marketing Ltd. R&P Electronic Media R&R Software R-Tsa Games R.K. West Consulting Rabbit Software LTD Rabobank U.A. Rack-It Rad Delaroderie Radarsoft BV Rafii Soft RAG Rage Games Ltd. Rage Software Ltd. Rainbird Software Rainbow Arts Software GmbH Rainbow Arts, Inc. Rainbow Cemetery Rainbow Computing, Inc. Rainbow Magazine, The Raizing Co., Ltd. Raks NewMedia Ralston-Purina Ram-Tek, Co. Ramiak RamJam Corporation, The Ramtek Corporation Random House Co., Ltd. Random House, Inc. Rantom Software Raoul Said Rasputin Software Raster Software Ravensburger Interactive Media GmbH RAW Entertainment, Inc. Raw Thrills, Inc. Ray Corporation RayForce Inc. Razorsoft RazorSoft, Inc. RC Soft RCS - Rizzoli New Media RDA Systems RDS-Software Re:Action Entertainment Reactor Inc. Reader's Digest Software ReadySoft Incorporated Reaktör Software Real Networks, Inc. Games RealApex RealArcade Realism Entertainment Reality Bytes, Inc. Reality Development Corp. Reality Studios Reality Technologies Realm RealOne Arcade Realore Studios Realtec Corporation Realtime Games Software Ltd. Reasonable Solutions, Inc. Rebel Games Rebellion Developments Ltd. Rebels Rebelsoft Reckon Software Pty Ltd Recreational Software Designs Red Herring Red Mile Entertainment, Inc. Red Orb Entertainment Red Rat Software Ltd Red Sector Inc. Red Shift Ltd. Red Storm Entertainment, Inc. Redback Sales Ltd. RedCat Software RederWare Redfire Software RedOctane, Inc. Redoubt Ltd. RedWolf Design Redwood Games Reef Entertainment Ltd. Reelax Games Reflex Interactive Reflexive Entertainment Inc. Regans Software Reldni Productions reLINE Software Remar Games REMedia Inc. Renaissance Technology Corp. Rene Soft Renegade Software Renne Softworks RenoSoft Renovation Game Renovation Products, Inc. Rensoft Software Reservoir Gods Reshift Digital BV Resolution Software RESOURCE Education Ltd. Respondesign Reston Computer Group Reston Publishing Company, Inc. Resuba Digital Systems Retro64, Inc. RetroSpec Retrotopia RetroWorks RETZ Revell, Inc. Reza Beheshti Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc. Richard L. Wright Richard Novak Richard Shepherd Software Ltd Richard Tom Richard Wilcox Software Richard Z. Ward Rick Dean Riggs International Right Stuff Corp. Riki Computer Games Rino Limited Rino Marketing Ltd. Rinzai Satori Ripcord Games Ritam Corporation River Software Riverdale Software Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited Riverhill Soft Inc. Riverhillsoft Inc. RJ Best, Inc. RM Buch und Medien Vertrieb GmbH RMM Consulting Roadshow Entertainment Roadshow Interactive Robert J. Brady Publishing Company Robert Lindsay Wells Robex-Videotop Robico Software Robin Johnson Robosoft Robtek Ltd. Rock Solid Arcade Rockland Software Productions Rockroy Inc. Rockstar Games, Inc. RocSoft Roger Soft Rogue Synapse Roklan Corporation Roller Tron Corp. RollinSoft Romantic Robot Romik Software Ltd Romox Inc. Romstar, Inc. RomTech, Inc. ROMulus Software rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH Rosebud Technologies LTD Rovio Mobile Oy Royal Software RPSoft RTL Enterprises GmbH RTL Interactive GmbH RTL Playtainment RTL Sports Runesoft GmbH Runn Software Runt time Rushware GmbH Russ, Ltd. Russco Russian Soft Russobit-M RYLO Software