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V und B Werbeagentur V.2 Play V.I.S.T. - Very Interactive Sales Tools GmbH Valhalla Páholy Valkieser Publishing ValuMedia ValuSoft, Inc. Valve Corporation Valve L.L.C. Vantan International Co., Ltd. Vap Inc. Varcon Systems, Inc. Variant Varie Corporation Vatical Entertainment LLC VEB Polytechnik Karl-Marx-Stadt Vector Space Vectorbeam, Inc. Vectorscope Software Veenetronics Corporation Vega Mobile Velocity Inc. Ventamatic Software Venture Line, Inc. VentureVision Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Verbatim Corporation Vered Hagalil VeriSoft Works Verkosoft Publishing Vermes Versa Computing Inc. Vertigo Games Vestel A.Ş. Via Media Medienproduktionsgesellschaft mbH Viable Software Alternatives Viacom International Inc. Viacom New Media Vic Tokai Corporation Vic Tokai Europe Ltd. Vic Tokai, Inc. VIC-Soft VIC-Ville VICTAPE Computing Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. Victor Entertainment Inc. Victor Interactive Software, Inc. Victor Musical Industries, Inc. Victory Computing Victory Software Victory Software Corporation Video Gems Video Showcase Video System Co., Ltd. Video System U.S.A., Inc. Video Wizard's Inc. Vidipix Vidis Electronic Vertriebs GmbH Viking Technologies Villa Crespo Software, Inc. Villa Hirschberg Online GmbH Vincent Bly Ving Co., Ltd. Vinsoft Vintage Software Vioma Digital Media AB Viper Byte 3D Game Development Viper Games Viper Software Viper Software, Ltd. VIPS Virgin Games, Inc. Virgin Games, Ltd. Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Deutschland) GmbH Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd. Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Japan), Inc. Virgin Interactive Entertainment SARL Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Virgin Mastertronic International, Inc. Virgin Mastertronic Ltd. Virgin Sound and Vision Virtual Adventures Inc. Virtual Dreams Virtual Programming Ltd. Virtual Sports Interactive Virtual Vegas, Inc. Virtue Creations VirtuWeb Interactive Visao Visceral Productions Visco Corporation Vision Park AB Vision Software Vision Software, Inc. Visionaires Visionary Design Technologies Inc. Visions (Software Factory) Ltd. Visiware Visutech Viva Media, LLC Vivendi Games, Inc. Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing UK Ltd Vochozka Trading Vogel Verlag Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Volkswagen Vorco Technologies Vortex Software Voyager Company, The Voyager Software VR Slingshot VR Sports VroomBooks Inc. VSBgames VTech Vulcan Software Limited Vulture Publishing Limited