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Waka Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Walk On media publishing
WalkOn media publishing
Walt Disney Computer Software, Inc.
Wanadoo Edition
Wandering Adventures
War Auntie Entertainment
Warashi Inc.
Warlock Studio
Warner Bros. Inc.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Warner Bros. Online
Warner Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
Warp Inc.
Watanabe Seisakusho
Watermelon Productions
Watson Software Services Ltd
WayForward Technologies, Inc.
Wayi International Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Wayne McWilliams
Wayzata Technology
Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
Weekly Reader Family Software
Weetabix Ltd.
WeMake CDs, Inc
Werner Söderström Corporation - WSOY
Wes Meier
Wesson International
Western MicroData Enterprises Ltd.
Westwood Studios, Inc.
Whiptail Interactive
White Bag Software
White Elephant Games
White Panther Publishing
Wicked Software
Wiering Software
Wigant Interactive Media B.V.
Wilco Publishing
Wild Hare Entertainment, LLC.
Wildest Dreams
WildSnake Software
WildTangent, Inc.
William Soleau
Williams Electronics Games, Inc.
Williams Electronics, Inc.
Williams Entertainment, Inc.
Willie Crowther
Wimsey Co.
Windham Classics
Windmill Software
WinGames, Inc.
Winky Soft Co., Ltd.
Wintechno Co., Ltd.
Wireframe Dreams
Wisdom Tree, Inc.
Wizard Developments
Wizard Games
Wizard Games of Scotland, Ltd.
Wizard Soft Ltd.
Wizard Software
Wizard Video Games
Wizard's projects
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
WizardWorks Group, Inc.
WizardWorks Software
Wolf Software Ltd.
Wolf Team
Wolfire Games, LLC.
Wolters Software
Women Wise
Woongjin Media
Word Publishing, Inc.
WordPerfect Main Street
WordUp Software Productions
Wordworks Software
Work Force
Workman Publishing
World Domination Productions
World Edit
Worwyk Software
Wrebbit Inc.
WRF Studios
Wydawnictwo "Czasopisma Wojskowe"
Wydawnictwo Bajtek
Wydawnictwo Bauer Spółka z o.o., Sp.k.
Wye Valley Software